Tampa Funcoast Area Service Committee


tampa na narcotics anonymous asc

The “workhorse” of the service structure. That’s how A Guide to Local Services describes the area service committee (ASC).

The ASC supports NA groups. In addition, this service body helps further the vision and goals of Narcotics Anonymous. As a result of the various services provided, groups can focus on carrying the message of recovery. These services require more human and financial resources that the groups can muster. So they turn to the Ninth Tradition. As a result, they “create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.”

The Tampa Funcoast Area Service Committee consists of Group Service Representatives (GSRs) from home groups. In addition, various subcommittees deliver specific services. These subcommittees welcome the participation of all NA members.

“Everything that occurs in the course of NA service must be motivated by the desire to more successfully carry the message of recovery to the addict who still suffers.” – Narcotics Anonymous, Sixth Edition, Page XXVI

Remember this: Individual members, groups, and service committees should never be in competition with each other. Both separately and together, we work to help the newcomer and for our common good. Internal strife cripples our fellowship. In the end, it diverts us from our primary purpose and inhibits our growth.

Area Service Committees attract addicts to meetings and provide materials for use in meetings. Furthermore, the ASC conducts activities  designed to strengthen meetings. And finally, they perform the administrative functions necessary to do these things.

For specific information on the Area Service Committee, please refer to the 202 edition of ASC Policy. In addition, the Twelve Concepts for Service provide clarity on questions of policy and guidelines.


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