

The Tampa Funcoast Area Activities Subcommittee organizes and hosts four key events each year:

  • New Years Eve
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Halloween

During the year prior to the Tampa Funcoast Convention, the Halloween and New Year’s Eve events serve as convention fundraisers.



The Activities Subcommittee

…promotes unity and fellowship within the Tampa Funcoast Area of Narcotics Anonymous. Namely, this Subcommittee organizes and hosts a variety of events. For example, our social get-togethers include speaker jams, dances, picnics, campouts, etc. These events, held in a recovery-oriented atmosphere, encourage NA members to relax and socialize with fellow addicts. Furthermore, we send a message to the newcomer that “There is life after drugs.”

This Subcommittee consists of NA members who have the willingness to serve and live within the Tampa Funcoast Area.


Check our Events calendar

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Contact Tampa NA Activities Subcommittee

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