

The general policy of Narcotics Anonymous finds its expression through the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts. Any service organization needs structure and procedures. Therefore, the Tampa Funcoast Area Service Committee adopted guidelines based on the spiritual principles of the NA program. As a result of following these guidelines, the ASC and its subcommittees can better serve the groups. And finally, this structure and organization creates an atmosphere of service in which the ASC can conduct its business efficiently and consistently.

You may access Tampa Funcoast ASC Policy to read or download.


The Policy Subcommittee


This subcommittee provides assistance and consultation to the ASC. It provides assistance in applying the Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts and ASC policies in the course of Narcotics Anonymous Service.

The subcommittee ensures that the ASC’s policies remain updated. Also, this panel produces a clear and concise document detailing ASC policies and makes that document available to the home groups and NA members. In addition, the subcommittee reviews items that affect ASC methods and procedures as directed by the ASC. And finally, the subcommittee reviews any motion with which it is presented or referred.


Policy Tampa Funcoast ASC image

Contact the Tampa NA Policy Subcommittee

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